Level 3 Combined CAVA & AET – Price £850.00
Combined Guided Learning Hours GLH: = 156
Combined cost: £850.00.
This course has flexible start dates throughout the year. Flexible days and times available to suit your needs. 1:1 or group sessions. Payment plan also available.
Entry Requirements:
Must hold prior level 2 qualifications.
Highfield Level 3 Award in Education and Training AET
This qualification is aimed at those already in training or wanting to move into training.
72 Guided Learning Hours (GLH).
By the end of this award, you will be able to prepare, plan and teach in front of a group or in one-to-one tutorials.
The course consists of 12 credits; 3 credits of which is a mandatory unit:
Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training (3 credits)
The other 9 credits are evaluated to suit your role and responsibilities.
An expert tutor will be assigned to you with quality resources you will be expected to complete assignments and plan & carry out a microteach that will be observed.
Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement CAVA
The flexibility of the course allows you to learn at your own pace and is estimated to take up to 84 study hours to complete.
This qualification is intended for those who assess both occupational competence in the work environment and vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in a workshop, classroom or other training environment other than assessing competence in a work environment. The objective of the qualification is to support a role in the workplace.
How you will be assessed:
You will be required to complete assignments, continuous professional development records and workplace observations.
You will also use workplace evidence and Witness Testimony to support assessment.
An expert tutor will be assigned to you with quality resources, you will be expected to complete assignments and demonstrate the ability to facilitate learning.
Plan & carry out a micro-teach that will be observed (where a learning and development unit has been selected)
Units covered include:
Understand the principles and practices of assessment
Assess occupational competence in the workplace
Assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding
Combined Guided Learning Hours GLH: = 156
Combined cost: £850.00
For this cost you will get:
Induction & enrolment
Subject specialist tutor
OneFile eportfolio
Zoom support meetings
Quality Resources
Full support and guidance throughout tailored to your demand including any reasonable adjustments
Progression opportunities:
Level 4 Award in Understanding the Internal Quality Assurance Processes and Practice.
Level 4 Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice.